Your Checklist for Spring Cleaning and Home Maintenance!

Your Checklist for Spring Cleaning and Home Maintenance!

Maintenance of a home’s plumbing isn’t just limited to a periodic check done by a plumber. By catching issues early, a homeowner can save a tremendous amount of cost and avoid much more serious damage by applying a fix proactively. Below is an easy-to-use home plumbing inspection checklist to use this spring.

The Bathroom

The connections to fixtures is one of the first places to check. Faucets have two lines – one for hot water, and one for cold. Both are feed lines that go into the faucet fixture and provide the water that comes out of it. Those connections go to a plumbing line that is in the wall and typically underneath the sink or in the back of the toilet from the wall to the toilet reservoir. Look for those connections, make sure that they are not dripping and that there are no signs of water leaking or spilling in the immediate area. If there is, then the line needs to be replaced and fixed so that the leak is stopped, as well as any water damage that has been caused needs to be repaired.

Next, check the drains. That includes the sink, the tub, the shower and the toilet. They should be clear and work smoothly without any type of blockage or resistance. If drainage is moving slowly, then there’s likely material inside the drain system that needs to be cleared. A simple plastic snake can insert about two feet and yank at anything built up in soft blockage material. Don’t forget to disinfect everything after!

Finally, look for any signs of leakage around the base of the toilet. Many times, this will happen when the wax ring is starting to fail, the seal is not on properly, or there’s a crack in the basin. The toilet water will spill along the grout lines of tile, create staining, or moisture will collect on carpet and wood flooring. This will require a plumber’s intervention. But while you wait for help, be sure to keep the water spills cleaned up, to avoid mold.

The Kitchen

In the kitchen, you’ll check for similar things that you checked for in the bathroom. Look for the water feed that goes into the kitchen faucet and make sure that all the water feed lines are connected properly without any leaks. Use a flash to double-check for sure what’s happening. Make sure that the drains are operating correctly as well as the sink disposal. If there’s any type of trapped material or the drains are not running smoothly, then the drain needs to be cleared. Also, make sure that the faucet handles are not leaking water.

Refrigerators that have a water feed also tend to have a connection checked if possible. It may be necessary to pull the refrigerator out to inspect the water connection and make sure water is not dripping on the floor behind. You may need to clear out the freezer and the refrigerator at the bottom to look for signs of leakage. If there is, the appliance needs to be repaired or it needs to be replaced.

Dishwashers are also notorious for having leaks and accumulating messes over time. Be sure to clean the drain filter, the detergent dispenser, and anywhere else that water travels through.

In addition, look for signs of water damage underneath the dishwasher or in the sink cabinet wall next to the dishwasher. Typically, dishwashers are tucked away inside kitchen cabinets so you want to press and feel the wall next to the dishwasher to see if there’s any type of dry rot present too.

The Garage

Depending where the water heater is, look for signs of leakage or smells around the water heater. If there is water leaking, then the water heater plumbing needs to be checked and repaired. If there is a smell of gas, vent the garage or the room right away and call for an emergency gas line repair.

The Laundry Room

Washing machines in the laundry room also work the same way as sinks with a feed line coming into the washing machine, and then a drain line going out of the washing machine. The feed lines typically are braided hoses that come from the feed on the wall to the machine. Make sure they’re tight, there are no leakages and that there are no signs of failure of the lines. The drain hose should be connected properly and should be securely placed inside the drain pipe that goes into the house drainage.

All of the above should be checked every spring, if not more frequently, to confirm that everything is working properly inside a home. And make sure to call a plumber if a problem has become too big to DIY it!

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