5 Ways to Boost Office Productivity
If you are a business owner and you are looking for ways to improve productivity, you have come to the right place, as we take an in-depth look at ways that you can boost productivity in your office.
- Take regular breaks – Regular breaks means fresher people and that means higher productivity; humans are not robots and taking 15-20 minutes out to refresh your mind definitely makes you more likely to be productive. Another reason for breaks is that people get to bounce ideas off each other and this can lead to creative problem-solving. Your employees should have a 15-minute break every 2-3 hours, and with a stash of tea, coffee and fruit juice, they can get refreshed and be ready to perform at optimum levels.
- Ergonomic seating – The ergonomic chair is designed to help the user stay comfortable for long periods of time; if your office does not have ergonomic chairs, it is a worthwhile investment to change the seating, as this will result in more work being done. If you would like to view the best office chair brands at wholesale prices, start with a Google search to locate a leading Australian office equipment supplier. You can save up to 25% by ordering from the online supplier.
- Prioritise tasks – At the start of the day, prioritise the tasks you have for the coming day, which should mean you get more done than if you did not prioritise. Working on the toughest assignments first means your mind is fresher, so this is the smart way to go about things. You could, for example, install a small whiteboard at each employee’s workstation, which they can use for this purpose. Happy workers are productive, at least that’s what Henry Ford believed.
- Limit meetings – Too many meetings are unproductive; this is something that should be proritised; if a meeting is deemed as ‘not important’ it should be shelved or tacked onto the end of another meeting. Meetings can be stressful and too many in a day will likely lead to negative impacts on the business. Sending emails is a good way to keep people informed and let’s not forget that employees are not producing when in meetings, which is another reason to keep them to a minimum.
- Encourage communication – An open-plan office definitely encourages open dialogue, which is likely to boost overall productivity. Dialogue promotes creative problem-solving and every office should have a communal area where employees can relax and enter into meaningful dialogue.
The office decor is also relevant to productivity, there is a lot of free information online about various ways that the office decoration impacts productivity. Why not involve your employees when making changes to the decor? They are the ones who work in the environment and asking their opinions promotes inclusivity and ownership.
We hope the above tips help you to increase office productivity.